Jack Li Vigni Videos auf Youtube (english)
- Ask yourself the question « What is my vowel made of?«
- Potential breath energy and its transformation into actual pressure and sound
- Understanding squillo in the tenor voice
- The use of science in voice studios: misunderstanding the Bernoulli effect
- On technical issues: Breathing, support, vibrato
- Finding the head voice: Tilting the larynx, closing the cords, and keeping supple
- Lowest is lightest
- Follow up on low larynx singing
- Trailers Webinars (ganze Webinars ca. 3 Stunden, je Webinar 15$)
- Understanding chest voice and the tilt of the larynx leading to head voice
- Understanding voice registration: low, medium, and high in gthe various voice types and fachs
- On voce chiusa, or establishing a gathered sound
- On the tenor high voice